Quotable “I have been waiting all summer for the hammer to fall and the big fish to get on the move. Now the wait is over!” — Bill Sherer of We Tie It Fly Shop in Boulder Junction, about fall musky fishing.In the Oct. 5, 2006 issueFISHING River TrendsMichigan Menominee River smallmouth * Little Bay de Noc smallmouth * Chicagon Lake muskies, walleyeWisconsin Menominee River smallmouth * Boulder Junction muskiesIllinois Chicagoland fishingHUNTING Through the Scope: Don MulliganOhio Lake Erie layout ducksMichigan Branch area squirrels, pats * Good news for ruffiesWisconsin Top Wisconsin turkey spots * Sauk City squirrels * Hunt Unit Profile: Mud LakeEVERYTIME Regional Trends * Quotable * Editor’s Picks * Outdoor Lineup * Trophy Tale * Astro Tables * In the Bullseye * Photo Contest Winners * Where To Go on the Web * Where To Go * Outdoor Outlet * Gearing Up |
This Issue’s Featured Article |
![]() Salmon time: Hot salmon fishing is exploding all over the Great Lakes region. Here, guide Harold Bailey of Blue Heron Charters (906-635-5134) in Sault Ste. Marie hefts up a handsome king caught from the St. Mary’s River. (F&H; News photo by Dusty Routh) Try Blackhawk Ridge for squirrelsSauk City, Wis. — The Black Hawk Unit of the Mazomanie Public Hunting Grounds is located outside of Sauk City and Mazomanie, Wis., along Highway 78.Few hunters come to this public hunting land to chase the numerous gray squirrels that live in the wooded hills and valleys of Blackhawk Ridge. Instead, most hunters come to Mazomanie to hunt deer, turkeys and stocked pheasants.That means the resident bushytails are mostly undisturbed and underpressured.Blackhawk Ridge is considered to be a top squirrel location given the number of hardwood trees in the area. While the Ridge can present tough walking because of elevation gains, the chance for good to great bushytail action is worth hunting the property.The season is open until Jan. 31. The daily limit is five squirrels.— Gary Engberg |